Dr Bob Bailey



Bob Bailey: Teaching Trainers

Bob Bailey’s lecture this year was titled: “Teaching trainers applied behavior analysis: A personal journey from the rat lab to the chicken workshop.” I always love hearing Bob speak at the conference, because his lectures are always packed full of lots of great stories, helpful insights, great videos, and useful sayings. I find myself jotting notes the whole time and still sometimes missing bits. Bob talked about his background as a trainer and things he thinks trainers should be doing and thinking about in order to improve their training skills. Here are some of my favorite bits from Bob’s talk.

Another Potentially Dangerous Dog Trainer

This man knows a bit about animal training, his name is Bob Bailey.

I recently attended a two – day seminar that Bob Bailey presented. He is as brilliant as everyone had told me he was. His level of knowledge in regards to animal training is beyond reproach so he is not someone anyone can really challenge unless they can match his skills and his resume is astounding.

Bob Bailey is perhaps the worlds most accomplished animal trainer. He has trained dogs, chickens, bears, birds and dolphins for over 60 years using non – force – non – pain based methods and achieving incredible eye popping results. “Wiz Bang” as Mr. Bailey would put it. 

Bob Bailey : Don’t settle for ‘good enough’

Merging science with animal training, or in other words, applied behavior analysis, requires a keen understanding of the principles at play as well as systems and procedures in place. More than anybody else, Bob Bailey has mastered the science of animal training. Over the course of his life, Bailey has worked with thousands of animals of all species, training them to very highest levels of fluency. From dolphins to cats, bears, parrots, raven, goats, pigs, raccoons, rabbits, ducks, dogs, chicken and more.

Learning from Cats and Seagulls … A Chat with Bob Bailey

Over his career, Dr Bob Bailey has trained over 140 different species of animals. Recently I had the privilege recently of sitting down to chat with Bob about his early career and to video the chats for you.